Thursday, July 07, 2011

All Truths are Timelessly Eternal Truths


1. Michael Horton wrote (2011, 20): 

The great doctrines of the Christian faith arise out of this dramatic plot. "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (Jn 1:14). Where the world's religions focus on timelessly eternal truths, the most important teachings of Christianity concern historical events.

2. The contrast between timelessly eternal truths and the teachings of the Bible concerning historical events is a strange one, the reason being that teachings are truths and all truths are timelessly eternal truth.

The Bible teaches truths.

Some of the truths the Bible teaches might be about historical events, but the teachings themselves are truths.

We know about historical events through truth-claims about them.

And the Bible has many teachings or truth-claims about historical events.

3. All truths are eternal.

The doctrine of the Eternal Decree of God is a characteristic doctrine of Reformed theology.

The Westminster Confession of Faith (3.1a):
God, from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass.

How did God ordained whatsoever comes to pass?

God ordained whatsoever comes to pass by determining the truth-values of propositions.

A proposition is the only bearer of truth or falsity.

A proposition is true because God from eternity determines that it be true.

A proposition is false because God from eternity determines that it be false.

Since God's decrees are eternal, the truth-value of all propositions is also eternal.

Therefore, all truths are eternal truths.

4. Time is an aspect of creation.

Before God created creation, there is no time.

Time came into existence at the moment of creation.

But God created the world according to his plan.

And God's plan for creation is the decrees or propositions he has determined to be true.

Since God plan for creation is logically prior to his creation, therefore truths exist prior to time, i.e. timelessly.

Therefore, all truths are timelessly eternal truths.

5. Truths might have modal properties such as contingency, possibility or necessity.

But all truths are timelessly eternal truths.

The contrast between timelessly eternal truths and the teachings of the Bible concerning historical events is indeed a strange one.


Horton, Michael. 2011. The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims On the Way. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
